We are all about rural properties here at Land & Title. Sometimes that means we have clients that want to build their dream home or equestrian facility. Here are some helpful articles that relate to vacant land and building your home. 

What Are Shipping Container Homes?

What Are Shipping Container Homes?

Shipping Container Homes Shipping cоntаіnеr hоmеs (also known as sea container homes) аrе bесоmіng а рорulаr аltеrnаtіvе fоr hоmе buіldеrs and buyers looking for sоmеthіng unique. Тhеу аrе сhеар, еаsу tо buіld аnd hаvе mаnу есо-frіеndlу bеnеfіts. Fоr mаnу enthusiastic...

Vacant Land Financing

Vacant Land Financing

Vacant Land Financing If you’re like me you probably yawned a little just thinking about reading an article on financing – but I promise, what’s in this article is worth knowing about if you are looking to buy vacant land and need a little help to do so. While there...